War of the Immortals Private Server
Server Time:
Server Status:

Maintenance 10/14/2019

Newly Added
Added A Baldr Pet(Dex) for exchange beside winston npc.
Added Another workaround yggdrasil npc beside for lv10-70 rechallenge.
Added Bound LV7 Gem Combine to crafting.
Added Confirmation Dialog to every 10 levels for affinity gear.
Added Deity Aspect +8 Pack into Kardanny/Portable shop. (Requires 200x for purchase)
Added Exchange x50 mortal ticket tradable to bound to First Step to God NPC
Added Guides into game under Growth Aid(Button H) -> WOI Strategy
Added Mimir and Frigga LV6~9 into Gem Transmute Interface.
Added Most upgradable old deity-ultimate gear to be able to smelt for 1/5 various gear materials.
Added New Race Event - The Whirlpool (Not stackable with PG. Choose and do once per day)
Added Upgradable from Secluded Ring etc to next rank. (Cost 20 Oracle Origin )

Changes (Fixes)
Corrected description for gear materials.
Fixes Few fashion price mismatch and unable to purchase
Fixes Incorrect healing effect given for Trailokya Starword
Fixes Maya bosses unable to be summoned
Fixes Survival Games status effect icon not showing
Improved loots for PG Race Event.
Optimise lag issue when receiving loots from necronomicon
Separated Winston Npc exchange to two more npc besides.
Removed 100 Trials & 12 Constellation manual reset npc option
Removed Transmute NPC Option from Gearing Essential.
Reduced yggdrasil LV91-120 max instance concurrent available count from 99 to 49.